Suffering from Migraine? Know how homoeopathy can deliver great results!
What is migraine?
A migraine is a primary headache disorder that is characterized by recurrent headaches ranging from moderate to severe in terms of pain. The condition could affect one half of the head and the pain could last for 2 to 72 hours at a stretch.
There are four phases of migraine:
- Prodromal phase — occurs hours or days before headache
- Aura phase: Precedes the headache immediately
- The pain phase: refers to the headache phase.
- Postdrome: Post headache phase where people get sore feeling in their head, mood changes and different gastrointestinal problems.
Migraine is associated with the pain in the head that may lead to vomiting sensation, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. The pain could increase by physical activity and patients are known to suffer from acute visual disturbance indicating they would soon suffer from the headache soon enough.
Why do people suffer from migraine?
- Environmental factors
- Genetic factors
- Changes in hormones
General symptoms
The common triggers for migraine are stress, hunger, and fatigue.
Psychological stress has been the main trigger for nearly 50 -80% of people suffering from migraine.
Migraine is generally associated with people who are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder and abuse. Women get migraines during their menstrual cycle and when in hormonal influence resulting from menarche, oral contraceptive use, and pregnancy. Hormonal influences play a pivotal role in causing migraine without aura.
To diagnose migraine headaches, there are no particular tests, but reliant on the patient’s headache history, frequency, and description of symptoms. A doctor’s examination will lead to specific diagnosis of headache type and rule out other possible reasons. A proper diagnosis is crucial to determine appropriate treatment options including migraine treatment in homeopathy, revolving around effective homeopathic remedies.
Targeted Audience
It is estimated that globally, nearly 15% of people are affected by migraine. Most people start suffering from migraine at puberty that worsens during middle age. Migraine affects boys majorly than girls before puberty. But the incidence increases with age, as much as twice or thrice more in women than men.
Possible cure and treatment
- Conservative treatment:
- Understanding the triggers that push the migraine is important. Patients are advised to prevent and avoid triggers for ensuring best results. It is advisable to decrease stress conditions and stay hydrated throughout the day.
- An ice pack on head or neck helps in reducing migraine’s severity down couple of notches.Cold therapy works for some people while some prefer having a warm bath or shower for immediate relief
- Homoeopathy treatments include several remedies for migraine
It is preferred one gets effective homeopathic treatment at the earliest from the best homeopathic clinic in town.Homoeopathic remedies have consistently enhanced patient immunity helped in the treatment for migraine. The medicines are safe and migraine treatment in homeopathy never leads to any side-effects.
The principles of homoeopathy revolve around treating the entire person at the same time, using homeopathic remedies. The history of patient is crucial in deciding the final medicine for curing the person from migraine on the basis of symptomatology.
Contact the best homeopathic clinic in town to get the best homeopathic treatment for resolving migraine issues efficiently.